

As we celebrate Thanksgiving and reflect during this season of gratitude we have some thoughts, deep thoughts.

    • We are grateful that Sam and Max have not completely learned how to rewire the wheelchair.  Yes, they are capable of adjusting the leg rests, but one can’t sweat the small stuff.
    • We are grateful that both of the boys will probably be recruited for MLB at a very young age if their current throwing ability is any indication.
    • We are grateful for bedtime, pretty much every day.  Any parents of twin toddlers that tell you differently are heavily medicated or lying.
    • We are grateful that Sam’s legs are still short enough to slow him down.  Not very much, but again, it’s all about perspective.
    • We are grateful for the art and creative ability displayed by the boys.  Not just anyone can make art with a bright red stamp pad all over the house.

Door Within A Door

    • We are grateful for the “little office door within the big office door.”  Without it we could possibly have a major technical meltdown.  Epic meltdown.
    • We are grateful for the chemists that created “Shout,” “Magic Eraser,” under eye wrinkle cream,” “Mylicon” gas drops, “Tylenol,” “Advil” and “Visine.”
    • We are grateful that we are only going to the eye care center every other week or so for repairs and parts.  That warranty has really paid off!
    • We are grateful that the hiding places the boys use for important items are usually consistent and predictable…  sometimes.

A Helping Hand

  • We are grateful for all of the helping the boys like to do with household jobs.  Both are excellent at putting things in the dryer, not necessarily clean, wet clothing, but items they deem appropriate to subject to high heat and tumbling.  Both are also helpful with the unloading of the dishwasher, standing on the open door they are able to scatter glassware easily and quickly.
  • We are grateful for friends and family that hide their surprise at the state of our house upon entering.  No one ever comes over if it’s freshly mopped and vacuumed, only when chaos is speeding full throttle throughout.  I often compare our home to my Gramma Ruth’s; she should have installed a revolving door and I am really starting to think it would work for us.

In all seriousness, we are so very grateful for all the blessings of our life and could not imagine it any differently.

Posted in Sam & Max Updates on Nov 26th, 2010 by Laura

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