The Kid Is Amazing!

The Kid Is Amazing!

OK, maybe I’m biased, but I can’t believe how well Sam is doing.  I didn’t even think that I’d be writing an update today, because it was supposed to be a low-key day of resting for Sam.  But he’s doing so well, that there’s lots of news to share.

[singlepic id=63 w=320 h=240 float=right] They started weaning him from his ventilator over night.  The sedative he was on was either knocking him out completely, or he’d be at the other end of the spectrum where he’d be fidgety and feisty.  They switched him to a different sedative that kept him on a more even keel so they could better monitor his progress coming off the ventilator.  By this morning he was already down to being only 12% dependent on the vent, and because he was doing well with that, they were getting ready to take him down to 10%.  By the time Laura got to the hospital around 11 am (I’m back to work), they were already talking about taking him off the vent all together.

They then gave Sam a C-PAP test to see how he was doing with the ventilator turned off, and since his blood gasses were so good, they decided to remove the ventilator tube going down his throat.  Because he continued to do so well, after talking with his nurse, Laura let Sam have his pacifier.  He latched right on and started sucking away.  Also, if Laura put the pacifier in his hand, he would instinctively put it into his mouth; something he was doing before the operation, at night, when he would sleep.  Like I said, I could be biased, but I think this is pretty amazing considering he wasn’t supposed to start weaning off the vent until tomorrow at the earliest.

We just continue to thank God for Sam’s progress and thank everyone who is praying for him.  We know everyone’s positive thoughts and prayers are helping in his speedy recovery.  Until next time…

Posted in Sam & Max Updates on Oct 20th, 2009 by George

6 Responses

  1. Susan Humphrey
    October 20th, 2009 | 10:39 pm

    I am not surprised that Sam is doing well. Knowing your brother, Michael,and hearing about you, I can only conclude that the men in your family are MOST resilient! Also LOTS of us are praying for Sam and his family.
    Laura and you are doing a great job. I admire you both.

  2. Nurse Claudia (from Pediatric Physicians)
    October 21st, 2009 | 10:09 am

    I am so glad to hear that Sam is doing so well. I got an update from your sister at the office earlier this week. Please know that I am thinking of you and praying for your family. Can’t wait to see the boys back in the office once Sam is feeling better.

  3. Laura Lee Berkemeier
    October 21st, 2009 | 10:19 am

    You have every right to be proud! This picture is the most beautiful one I may have ever seen. Good luck working today…

  4. Lauren Barney
    October 21st, 2009 | 3:08 pm

    I am so happy to hear that Sam is doing well! Hopefully he gets to come home soon! Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help! We are thinking about you all! Lots of love, The Barney Family

  5. Holly Johnson
    October 21st, 2009 | 4:36 pm

    We are so delighted to hear of his progress. We have been thinking and praying for him and you all!

  6. Joyce Keneda
    October 24th, 2009 | 8:07 am

    God bless you all.
    God is good.