5 Things…

5 Things…

…for which I am grateful today.

  1. My happy boys; everyone is in a great mood and have been showing me big toothy smiles this morning.
  2. Bean (AKA Max) slept until 6:01 AM.  This made all of us so happy!
  3. Our pantry and refrigerator are stocked.  I can not stand planning meals, making the grocery list, and going to the store, BUT the payoff is always worth it!
  4. Pajama Mondays.  Here’s a little scoop on me… I can not believe I am confessing again; On the Mondays that Sam does not have an appointment to see his cardiologist we have “Pajama Monday.”  Well, I have it.  The boys are almost always dressed and looking cute.  Me, not so much.  Today it is sprinkling and only about 60 degrees out so it’s absolutely “Pajama Monday.”  Simple pleasures!
  5. This is a BIG one:  All of the amazing and wonderful people in our life that have been praying for Sam and his surgery,  as well as passing the word along to others.  People are so good.  So, so good.  We can not begin to thank all of you enough.  We can feel all of the positive energy in our house; it’s doing us so much good.  Thank you from the bottom of all our hearts.
Posted in The Princess Principle on Oct 5th, 2009 by Laura

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